National Day of Prayer 2020

Although this years National Day of Prayer looked very different it was powerful and engaging. Hundreds if not thousands gathered this year 2020 for NDP, through phone calls, zoom calls, video, neighborhoods, and prayer drive by’s.

Some cities like Dodge City and Pittsburg actually gathered and had a great crowd. Pastors prayer warriors and community leaders called for these gatherings in both cities.

Field Trips were a big hit as carloads of intercessors visited schools, hospitals, businesses, government buildings, parks, and churches across the state to pray for children, leaders, and our economy.\n\nIn Topeka a prayer drive took place around the capitol with NDP Leaders handing out the prayer guide.Universities were covered with prayer also. Newspapers announced the gatherings. In Hays the Breathe Coffee House once again was the flagship for National Day of Prayer.  The exclamation point of the day took place as the National Broadcast was televised, on facebook, and radio. You can still watch this powerful prayer meeting with Bishop Harry Jackson, Michael W. Smith, Billy Wilson, President of ORU, Andrew Palau with a great testimony and Nick Hall leader of the younger generation prayer warriors.

For the earth will be covered with the knowledge of the GLORY of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

By using this prayer guide you can continue to apply Joshua 1:3, “Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that I will give you.”

Saints, during this re-opening, while we are stepping into businesses, please apply the prayer points of this prayer guide. You carry with you the power of the Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We have learned how to war in the heavenlies, and we have just begun to fight. We must not allow the enemy to separate us spiritually.

Take your armour with you. The breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the belt of TRUTH, the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith and shoes of the gospel of peace.

Get the prayer guide HERE