Events Archive

Jamie Winship 2025

Jamie Winship 2025

  JAMIE WINSHIP PRESENTS : DISCOVERING YOUR GOD GIVEN IDENTITY Jamie will be speaking at Saturday, April 5th – Riverlawn Christian Church 4243 N. Meridian – 9 am – 4:30 pm $65 – (Early Bird – $50.) Early Bird until March 15th, There will be a lunch break from...

Praise on the Prairie

Praise on the Prairie

Praise on the Prairie came about from a dream that Pat Cramton had. She heard from the Lord to have a gathering for worship, prayer, and repentance. She heard Open the Door, Open the Door in 24 (2 times). Repentance, Prayer and Praise will open the door for the king...

Clover Cliff Ranch – Continuing the Journey to Identity

Clover Cliff Ranch – Continuing the Journey to Identity

As the gentle embrace of spring unfolds around us, I find myself inspired by the beauty of change and renewal that this season brings. Just as nature undergoes transformation, shedding its winter cloak for vibrant blossoms, we too have the opportunity to embark on a...

Changed Movement

Changed Movement

Donna, Elizabeth and Tamika at the Bott Radio Station in Overland Park, Kansas.