February 8th, 2014 | Lenexa, Kansas

Over 700 people attended the Awakening Freedom Tour last Saturday in Lenexa, Kansas. We were not after an event but a desire to create a permanent change in the way we approach the problems in our culture. What was the take away? Hundreds swarmed the book table to buy Neil Mammen’s book, “40 Days Towards A More Godly Nation”, and bought his DVD to begin a 6 week study.
Gov. Brownback spoke on our religious heritage in Kansas and Donna Lippoldt spoke on training up the next generation for Christ.
Every Culture Impact book we had from the Family Research Council sold immediately. A Culture Impact book is a matrix to develop a team in each church in order to impact the culture.
It was a great event and we can’t wait to bring these speakers across Kansas. Stay tuned to see the next city and location.