About Culture Shield
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Our Purpose
Our purpose is to Inform > Connect > Engage the Body of Christ.
Our Mission
Culture Shield exists to equip the body of Christ to strengthen families in the home, the church and the government.
Our Strategy
Culture Shield seeks to accomplish it’s purpose through four transformational prayer initiatives: National Day of Prayer, Kansas Governor’s Prayer Team and Prayer on the Hill.
Our Vision
Culture Shield desires for America to be a nation transformed for Christ.
What We Do
- Protect and stand up for family values at the local and state level by testifying on issues that impact the family, the culture and our biblical beliefs.
- Inform and equip Christian citizens, leaders and churches with timely communication on current issues that affect the culture.
- Equip pastors to stand for social issues from a biblical perspective.
- Developing a culture of prayer in Kansas by equipping believers to pray both personally and at the local, state and national level.
- Culture Shield holds statewide conferences and pastors briefings with prominent National Christian leaders to equip believers on apologetics and our Nations Christian legacy.
Prayer Initiatives
National Day of Prayer
Donna was asked to be the state coordinator for National Day of Prayer in 2008. By attending the first prayer summit, it was evident that prayer was needed much more than one day a year. It was that year that she and her husband did 25 workshops in 3 months on prayer and initiated Operation Rolling Thunder. That is when a city, county or region found 31 churches to participate by praying one day a month, and then passing it across town to another church. Over 275 churches participated with measurable results in decreased crime, record harvest, amazing unity and power. To this day there are some churches who have never missed their day of the month.
National Governor’s Prayer Team
In 2011 Donna was invited to be the state leader for the Kansas Governor Prayer Team. This national organizations hosts a weekly national call for all states. Experts in policy join the call with specific concerns. Since then she has worked closely with Governor Sam Brownback initiating prayer concerns across the state and has led a 6 a.m. weekly prayer call for Kansas.
Awaken the Dawn
A grassroots movement of 50 straight hours of day and night worship and prayer. Events are held across the state and bring believers together in the presence of God as we participate in the third great awakening. We encourage 25 different teams at each location to usher in the presence of the Lord.
Prayer on the Hill
An initiative of covering the Kansas capitol in prayer every day of the legislative session by praying for our government as they make decisions that will impact Kansas families. From prayer, our goal is to inform and engage families so that they can take action in promoting and defending issues that impact the family. Please sign up for Culture Shields email list to stay updated on current alerts.
Contact Culture Shield to get involved in these prayer initiatives. CONTACT US!
Inform > Connect > Engage
Culture Shield works from the state house to reach the Body of Christ through Community Action Meetings, Radio, E-mail, Publications and Pastor’s Briefings. We network with pro-family organizations to ensure the maximum effectiveness as we stand for righteousness and accountability at the local, state and national level.
Meet Our Team

Donna Lippoldt
Founder of Culture Shield
Donna Lippoldt is the Founder and Executive Director of Culture Shield Network. She is a passionate speaker about Cultural issues facing our nation. CSN enjoys bringing experts into Kansas for seminars and conferences, such as David Barton, Eric Metaxas and Jamie Winship, to show believers they can and should be involved in their culture. This year celebrates 33 years of full time ministry. She is the Mother of 5 and Grandmother of 15 plus 4 great grandchildren.

Anna Liggett
Event Coordinator
Anna Liggett is Culture Shield Network’s Event Coordinator. She graduated in 2005 from Wichita State University with a degree in Political Science. After a life changing missions trip to South Africa in college, Anna knew she was called to serve Jesus and is passionate about educating believers on the importance of unconditionally loving people and taking a stand on issues that impact families. She has been married to Will Liggett for 15 years and has two children ages nine and seven.
Anna has worked for over a decade with organizations in Wichita and at the Kansas State Capitol providing policy analysis, research and administrative support.
Advisory Board

Peggy Mast
Speaker pro Tempore

Michael & Dawn Paulson

Joseph Scapa
Former Representative

Phillis Setchell

Lee VanderGriend

Tim Fruits
Culture Shield Partners